Divorcing Calcutta Telephones; a spoilt-child of BSNL

After a long association with Calcutta Telephones finally I have decided to severe our relationship. I took quit e long time to make up my mind. You know why? I too for a short period of time; had a chance to serve with them. Days were different; STD was yet to come, only old telephone exchanges, with operators to connect your calls; were there in the smaller towns. Of course in Kolkata and at other bigger towns, telephones with dialing facilities were available. Breakdowns and cross connections were frequent. Cross connections leading to more passionate relationships depicted in many stories those days. Unthinkable now; isn’t it? Now at the time of cellular phones, smart phones, iPhones and all, still I had a land line connection courtesy Calcutta Telephones, BSNL. The mistake I did, I trusted them and availed there broadband service too. Sometime I think it was a mistake I did; being allured by their phone plus broadband combine connection at a cheaper rate. Initially for ...