Divorcing Calcutta Telephones; a spoilt-child of BSNL

After a long association with Calcutta Telephones finally I have decided to severe our relationship. I took quit e long time to make up my mind. You know why? I too for a short period of time; had a chance to serve with them. Days were different; STD was yet to come, only old telephone exchanges, with operators to connect your calls; were there in the smaller towns. Of course in Kolkata and at other bigger towns, telephones with dialing facilities were available. Breakdowns and cross connections were frequent.  Cross connections leading to more passionate relationships depicted in many stories those days. Unthinkable now; isn’t it?
Now at the time of cellular phones, smart phones, iPhones and all, still I had a land line connection courtesy Calcutta Telephones, BSNL. The mistake I did, I trusted them and availed there broadband service too. Sometime I think it was a mistake I did; being allured by their phone plus broadband combine connection at a cheaper rate. Initially for few months, though there were breakdowns in both service time and again but when they ran; they were smooth. But I never imagined my satisfaction was so short-lived. After few months either telephone or the internet connection had frequent failure. This continued for 2-3 years. Sometime for 2-3 weeks they remained out of order. Booking complaint brought no relief. My futile trials to contact local telephone exchange’s officials drove me mad! I used to surmise that an organization that sells telephone service, has none to attend their own phones! Visiting them revealed the secrets. What an amazing invisible organic switch the staffs had in their hearing system! The phones rang; even blared right before their noses; they remained unmoved and totally unperturbed! Either chatting with their colleagues on various issues like vegetable price hike or kid’s school reports kept them absorbed. Or more useful tasks like reading newspapers or taking tiffin engrossed them.  I could never trace higher officials like Divisional or Sub-Divisional Engineers; as they remained always outdoors on business (private!). You need great deal of patience just to talk to them keep afar apprising them of your problems. Still I remained stuck to them; after all my once upon a time they were my own brethren.
Little I knew what awaited. Being flabbergasted with my telephone and internet service catered by Calcutta Telephones; I was looking for a channel to address my problem. A friend extended help. She gave me the coveted phone number of CGM (Chief General Manager), BSNL. Doubtful with my new find-out; I rang up. To my utter surprise someone attended. I almost melted with gratitude; could not trust my ears! Collecting myself I explained my plight. She promised help and noted my phone number. CGM is a top brass office and someone promptly attended my cal. This very thought offered me immense satisfaction. And when someone from local exchange called me; really I was delighted. Days of problem are over; I thought. How fool I was! You are must have heard the terms “either or survivors”; it’s used in bank accounts and quite a popular term with users.  But never so with one when using telephone and internet service from same service provider. For me my phone and internet (broadband connection) became alright but only on ‘either or survivor’ basis. Either you use phone or internet. When you use phone, internet connection snaps or vice versa. I complained the problem to CGM again. The local exchange sent their men; they blamed my imported cordless phone and other accessories and left. Thereafter I complained and repeated the action numerous times. Asked them to change all accessories at my expense to rectify the problem. But alas it’s beyond them. This continued for more or less two years! I kept my patience as my spouse encouraged my (sarcastically as I never considered her advice to switch over to other service providers) , that Calcutta Telephone may help me to find a place in Guinness Book of Records. As, most likely I broke all the records of telephone breakdowns in any calendar year of history!
Well finally I surrendered their internet connection ( or my spirit to stuck to them) and watching if my land phone can survive all alone peacefully!


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

At last I could talk to my Father !!

Shopping Malls; new destination of middle-class