Shopping Malls; new destination of middle-class

Recently there is lots of hue and cry over government’s decision clearing FDI retailer’s passage to open their shops in India. Government claims this will change our economy taking drastic turn. The farmers will be more gainer and so we, the consumers. Lots of jobs will be created in retail sectors. As they may erase our age -old clan of middlemen. Their direct marketing bypassing middlemen will help farmers get better price for what they grow and consumers get better what they buy. However the antagonists claim; things will go far worse as they will enjoy monopoly and rule the market as they wish. Now for us the situation is just wait and watch. After all we have no choice.

Big retailers or shopping malls are common sight these days everywhere. Middle class with more surplus funds in their pockets now have become great consumers. Visiting any malls would testify this fact. The consumers; whom we usually find with tough bargaining spirit in local shops; move on the floor of shopping mall in soft foots as cats in tiger’s territory, some with expression of Columbus discovering America; others as realizing their own smallness standing before Himalaya on their face. The soft music, air-conditioned halls free from any foul smell, dust and yelling noise; that our senses are used to while in any market or bazaar; offers an atmosphere of elation. They buy what they need and what they don’t. Just because other shopper is buying them! All are sold in MRPs and some may have offers; offering fast and easy passage to your money from your purse to Mall’s cash box! Items with offers are either nearing their expire dates or there are hardly any takers for them. So what? Coming out of Malls with cart full of goods offers a pleasure mixed feelings of pleasant marketing and getting fleeced! 



  1. Your great post was divided into two parts. First, U talked about the goods & bads of MALL prospect in India. I agree with you that we are at both sides of the knife. recently I found a news in news paper that in USA the workers of WALMART were in strike !!!! And this movement is invading to other nations where WALMART belongs.
    They complains that the company minimizes their wages..... expands the working hour & above all cuts off their national holidays also....
    If we come to the point of farmers, it was established that (in case of WALMART) that they primarily gives away the bigger price of crops but in the long run they used to decide the price crops of their own. U cannot closed your eyes about the future of middlemen because they are huge in numbers in India......

    Talking about the middle-class byres of India, they are curious about all the new things happening.... They have enough spare money spend now-a-days, Big Malls are good choice for them..... where U can sell (jeans/news-paper/tyres) & earn some shopping points. No bus... no taxi, not to roam hither & thither, no sweat... no pollution, go there early... see scopes... enjoy food...see the luxury.... & come late... A great day was spent.. We all love it. They design all these as we like. They spends tons of million upon it's success.

    All we have to do is to generate our voice against all these evils through any media where we may penetrate..............

    Thanks to U..........

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  2. Let me share you with my experience with Pantaloon's retail venture Home Town, Rajarhat, Kolkata. Here is the copy of my complaints; for your information, no one has noticed them till date! Anyway , this can only happen in our ' Incredile India'!

    Arabinda Bhattacharjee on Oct 16, 2012

    On 07/10/2012 I happen to buy a pack of 5Kg Atta or Goden Harvest brand from Home Town, Rajarhaat, Kolkata. The pack contained Atta with pests! The matter reported to Stores's Manager , Mr Gupta; who promised to replace it. But he never did it yet.

    Their license to sell food products should be impunded. But in Indian , there is no such law and it any; that can be bypassed.

    Arabinda Bhattacharjee
    25/2/1, Bindha Basini Tala Road
    Kolkata - 700057
    (033) 2564 6540
    (M) 9433365425

    जवाब देंहटाएं

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