Had a Party last night?

Occasions offering family or friend’s get-together always used to be welcome events to me earlier but not so any more these days. I remember any occasion like marriage, thread-ceremony or any social party thrown for insignificant issues were awaited affairs for the D day. I used to get thrilled with the idea of meeting those whom I met years ago. It was matters of pleasure to find them again. No one bothered to ask what others are doing or how they are keeping. Just we were alive and had a chance to meet, that was enough. Meeting means going down the memory lanes, remembering some incidents or days we enjoyed or suffered together. The pains we felt at the time of parting was visible in eyes. Gone are those days!! I know not how many would share my view but now-a-days I feel lonesome in most of the get-togethers; may be this curse is prevailing in metros like Kolkata, Mumbai or Delhi. Where people seek business in pleasure and tend to remain in their own lobby for social or material considerations. So; to me; any program hosted by others first met with contemplation ‘how to avoid it’. When I can’t avoid, and then just give in; that’s it. A lower-middle class man like me usually can’t afford to maintain a car. But soul seeks the comforts of what you don’t have! It’s true to me. The journey to venue by public transport poses the first hindrance. Followed by the tension ‘how to get back!’. Though hiring a car sounds too expensive; many a time that is the only option I have. With hired car and its driver, you are never comfortable till you are back and have settled the bill. So, considering all these the whole episode of get-together turns most of the time ‘ a ride on merry go-round’. Where you are tempted for the ride, but when the ride starts you pray for early finish. Feel relieved when you come out of the gondola. Keep watching other’s face with forcing a smile on my own is only socialization I do. Hello. How are you, are few words I exchange, keeping a sharp vigil when the next batch is called for the dinner.  Reminding my wife to remain alert is another deal I undertake. Dining is another exercise I bear, listening to others either bragging for their son or daughter’s astronomical achievements. Other popular topic on dining tables is discussing diabetes or high-cholesterol, hypertension et el. I watch the person lamenting of high sugar level and swallowing number of ‘Rossugullas’! Or the man next to me (may be; one of my far related relative) mentioning about high cholesterol, blaming the caterer for not serving 4th time the mutton delicacies!  
Cap it all, it is always, over delayed when parting time arrives. No one has anything to feel about except showing how they are feeling about!
So, where is the fun, joy or the pleasure of getting together! Gone everything what remains a gathering for nothing!


एक टिप्पणी भेजें

इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

At last I could talk to my Father !!

Shopping Malls; new destination of middle-class