THE ONLOOKER: Biodeisel and Global warming

THE ONLOOKER: Biodeisel and Global warming: "All over the world global warming and its associated affects like climate change, rise of seawater level due to melting of ice in Antarctic and Arctic continents; are matters of great concerns. Scientists predict within few decades (the opinion varies) coastal areas of many continents and subcontinents will be submerged under seawater like the mythological city Atlantis. Preserving forests with its greenery for the very cause of absorbing carbon- di -oxide and controlling industrial emission of toxic gasses along with carbon-di-oxide are the immediate steps advised by them. Most of the industrial developed countries are taking wily nilly, the measure to curb the emission. The world’s greatest polluter United States though forced others to take necessary measures to curb emission putting them under the threat of black listing for their imports; they themselves appears to be least interested to curb emission !

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