Thomas Cook or Thomas Crook!

Thomas Cook Leicester Station; from where Thomas Cook started his jouney to travel business.>> We all know Don Bradman, the legendary cricketer or Alfred Hitchcock , the all time great film maker; both are associated with Australia. So is Thomas Cook, the pioneer in global travel trade; but least known. Thomas Cook at the age of 10 started as a gardener with a wage of six pence per week;later he became priest. It was his priestly mission to curb alcoholic consumption prompted him to join Temperance Society. He organized meetings and led anti-liquor processions. His endeavor to arrange Temperance campaigners travel with in Australia for campaigns; finally landed him to form first travel company 'Thomas Cook'. Later his son John Mason Cook joined the business and the new company was named 'Thomas Cook & Son'. Why this preamble! In fact no body could ever tarnish the image of Don Bradman or Alfred Hitchcock. But Thomas Cook seems to be not that for...