Thomas Cook or Thomas Crook!

Thomas Cook
Leicester Station; from where Thomas Cook started his jouney to travel business.>>
We all know Don Bradman, the legendary cricketer or Alfred Hitchcock , the all time great film maker; both are associated with Australia. So is Thomas Cook, the pioneer in global travel trade; but least known. Thomas Cook at the age of 10 started as a gardener with a wage of six pence per week;later he became priest. It was his priestly mission to curb alcoholic consumption prompted him to join Temperance Society. He organized meetings and led anti-liquor processions. His endeavor to arrange Temperance campaigners travel with in Australia for campaigns; finally landed him to form first travel company 'Thomas Cook'. Later his son John Mason Cook joined the business and the new company was named 'Thomas Cook & Son'. 

Why this preamble! In fact no body could ever tarnish the image of Don Bradman or Alfred Hitchcock. But Thomas Cook seems to be not that fortunate! Now the age old organization branched out all over the world. So, they have a branch in our industrial hub Durgapur, West Bengal, India as well. A recent report suggests their callous customer handling. Most unbecoming of an organization of Thomas Cook's repute. Some Mr. Adhikary contacted Thomas Cook's Durgapur branch and asked them to arrange his tour to Lakshadwip Inland with his own itinerary. He was assured that program would be set and would cost Rs 78000/- per head. Agreeing to that when he contacted them, to his utter surprise, they declared the rate has been revised and now it would cost him Rs 97000/- per head! With a made-up mind, it was difficult for him to renege; so he paid a cheque of Rs 150000/- as advance and was assured the rest would collected from him after finalization. 

 But more surprise awaited him in the store! Ms Madhumita from Thomas Cooks' Durgapur branch called up over phone and surmised him stating that they cannot arrange the itinerary as the charges shot-up further and they can’t take up the deal with the advance amount! Imagine the degree of embarrassment; that too ; imbibed by world famous tour operator like Thomas Cook! 

Now obviously the question emerges; has Thomas Cook turned to be Thomas Crook!


  1. We are sorry to hear about your grievance. Our internal checks indicate that due to your LTC requirement of an inclusion of Bangalore-Cochin, as also a halt in Hyderabad to pick up your daughter, an itinerary was accordingly prepared. As per our records, your complaint was addressed and your payment refunded in full. In case there is any discrepancy in this or if you require any further assistance, please do mail us back at and we will take care of the needful, at the earliest.

    We would be happy to assist you in the best measure possible.

    Team Thomas Cook (India) Ltd.

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