SBI Cards Toll-free help line

Credit cards of several banks are now available in market. I remember in mid 90s when it first hit the market; it was status symbol. In every office young representatives of prestigious foreign banks were approaching prospective consumers. We, the ordinary mortals; were hesitant to go for it. What they are asking for; just our salary statement. But their eligibility criteria appeared beyond our reach. However; after two or three years of their arrival; I dared applying for one. It was also a foreign bank; the lady representative who accepted my application did not seem to be much enthusiasticIn fact, I was planning for a tour to south India with family.  I thought a credit card would provide me extra security while away from home in case of emergency. But to my utter dismay; just before few days of my journey, I received a letter from that bank, apologizing (!) for their inability to offer me credit card. I understood it was my meager salary that did not merit the privilege of a credit card.

Gone are the days of credit card being status symbol. Now every Tom, Dick and Harry has one. I too by now have few of them and also changed their brands when desired. I must admit the best customer care I received with Citi Bank credit card.  Though in late 90s their service charges were bit costly but the excellent customer care they offered compensated the extra costs. Now all credit cards come free without any annual fee. Most of the offer wide range of products or service at a discount if bought using their credit cards. But the customer care is perhaps the worst. State Bank of India launched their credit card amongst the Nationalized banks perhaps first. Being the most popular bank in Indian banking scenario; they grabbed the good slice of credit card market. Initially their customer care was a mismatch to their generally offered banking customer service. But the management took really serious note of it and finally they have brought them at par with their all other service. As you find long ques before their counter; so their help line is. If you intend to talk their customer care representative over toll free line; god bless you, keep your phone glued to your ear , sometime for more than ten minutes. A recorded voice , in south Indian accent would keep announcing that their line is busy, if you wish you may hold. Surprising , if you decide to hold, the line automatically cuts off! Truly in tandem  with the spirit of State Bank of India; as you find their staffs when you visit most of their branches; they have fine tuned their SBI credit card help line.  


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

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