40% Extra!!!

It's quite common now , when you go to grocers you find many packs of your everyday needs like biscuits, toothpast, salt , soap or to name anything that comes in packets; have '**% extra' printed on the wraps. Obviously most us, the gullible consumers consider those packs really offer extra at the same price. How fool we are! YOU WILL BE SURPRISED TO KNOW HOW WE ARE CHEATED ON SUCH COUNTS! If you take note of weight of your daily purchases that mentioned in their covers; it's easier for you to detect how you are made fool.
A packet of your favorite biscuits is generally comes in packs of say 200gms. When you find the brand is offering some extra; note the weight again. In 9 out of 10 cases you are likely to find the packets of biscuits that used to come with 200gms weight, is now coming with 170 gms or still lesser and with some percentage of extra! In most of the cases you are likely to get still lesser amount, even with extras than you are getting earlier.

So, look for the weight; ask the shoppers, earlier the same pack use to come with what weight. Then decide whether you are loser or gainer!


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

At last I could talk to my Father !!

Shopping Malls; new destination of middle-class