Soliciting and Misleading Ads Bonanza!

More we are advanced in literacy, science and technology; more we seem to be pulled backward. You must be thinking how! Don’t you find those ads for miracle cures, talisman for turning your fortune or ‘tantric’ solution for wining lost love! There are numerous ads of those we find every morning in almost all the newspapers.  I am sure most of us ignore them; but there are many to believe for whom those ads are! Recently there was an ad appeared in front page of talisman promising to bring prosperity instantly!  Do you think those advertisers are fool to spend so much on ads unless they bring them good returns!
 Even a decade ago, such ads were numbering much less; prior to that they were still lesser. May be the modern fast life turning us more insecure. The consumerism, the craze for all cosy life makes the man run after money without caring for minimum road safety. So the risk is high and to alleviate the risk; seek the refuge under illusionary astrologers, ‘tantric’ or talisman.
We Indians are known for our hunger of yellow metal or gold. Nowhere else in the world this craze is seen. But so is the demand of gems and precious .stones! And we know why we use them; just for turning our fortune or fate. As those ads of astrologers, fortune tellers appear in the front pages of newspapers mushrooms; so the demand of fortune turning gems and precious stones. They have hardly any resale value, even the ordinary diamonds.
Surprisingly, the educated urbanites are the target consumers of astrological advices and remedies. Millions of rupee change hands; I hardly ever found any article appearing in any newspaper against this tantrum; may be they don’t want to lose the revenue they earn publishing those ads. There are weak laws to prevent publications of misleading ads in our country. But none cares as none seeks the help of law either.
If for tobacco; law mandates publishing caution ‘tobacco is injurious to health’. Can’t any law prohibit newspapers publishing any ad for those astrologers, Omni cure talisman or magic solutions?   


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

At last I could talk to my Father !!

Shopping Malls; new destination of middle-class