Vasan; The Eye Clinic

Have you noticed in our City the arrival of new eye clinic "Vasan". In fact I casually found few of their branches in and outskirts of our Kolkata while travelling by bus or car. But never considered to take a second look or information on them till recently.

However; it was one of their ad in some leading news paper stating 'no fees' for patients above 50 caught my attention.
For the past three or four years every time I visited  eye clinic for fixing my glasses; I have been cautioned of cataract development in my left eye. And all the time they said; it was in early stage and would take time to mature. But how long that none could predict.

So every time I guess I have some problem with sight; it bothers ;I hold cataract responsible for it. May be it's matured and needs surgery for eye sight correction. So the ad of 'Vasan' for free check-up was really soliciting. I grabbed the opportunity. One of their branch on B.T.Road, Kolkata is not very far from my residence. I found Vasan,s set up is really unique. The glistening marbel floor; sprawling reception counter. Sitting there smart ladies as you are used to find them with star hotels. They were prompt to register my name and passed me a slip requesting very politely to wait in lobby. I waited for my turn in their lobby;found they serve  tea or coffee for the free again! Unthinkable any where; at least the clinics I visited so far. After a short  wait I was called for check-up by optometrist. They checked both the eyes with modern machines. There were two more check ups to follow they declared. Next was for fixing my powers by another Optometrist and finally a doctor checked with all reports of optometrists who checked my earlier. I enquired about the status of my cataract; he said nothing.
At 'Vasan' ; they have optical store of their own. Patients get their report or prescription from here. This was something new to me; as most of the sophisticated Eye clinic I visited in Kolkata; you get the prescription from doctor straight. Visiting thier stores are optional. But here it's must. 

So, I entered the store and found it's another cozy store with smart sales men at your service. I had a inkling; the free check-ups with free tea or coffee (!); must have a link with this outlet. One of them suggested me about some special glass ( unfortunately I forgot the term) instead of my bi-focal lenses. I declared shortly I may have to undergo a cataract  surgery shortly and change the glasses again. So better go for the cheaper stuffs; as usual my middle-class mind set suggested. He exclaimed  there was no mention of cataract in the reports! It was my turn to be surprised. Had all those doctors whom I visited for past couple of years were wrong! I cooly left the store collecting my prescription.

I am yet to make up my mind whether to go for new spects according to their report.      


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

At last I could talk to my Father !!

Shopping Malls; new destination of middle-class