LAVA! Customer Care in Chinese style!

Vast Indian consumer market is target of all global players; the recent player in the mobile and accessorizes market is LAVA. There is not dearth promoting partners of their dubious products; one such is MTS,  a  brand well known in ISP sector. They are marketing their 3G wifi internet service and that comes with LAVA dongles, made in China. We know Chinese foods are good but their goods are exactly otherwise. A dongle that came with MTS 3G wifi service has really is an eye opener for me. How these companies  operate in our country taking full advantage of teeth-less consumer laws. 

LAVA dongle did not last for more than two months. It was under warranty. But who cares, they seem to take time eternal to replace it. One of their Service Center in Kolkata is really their perfect match. Ring them up; after a long trial you may hear hello from that end and the reply is limited , our sir is busy or not available , please ring up after sometime! 

Don't love LAVA or anyone who sells their service with their devices. 


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At last I could talk to my Father !!

Shopping Malls; new destination of middle-class