Say Good Night to 'Hoax Ads"
MACHHAR NEHI MILEGA!' or " no mosquito you can find!' this
challenging version we all are used to these days. All the channels in our
TV are telecasting ads of a mosquito coil with this dialogue; showing
challenge between an elderly couple. The husband tries in many ways but
fails to find mosquito. Thanks to the magical affects of that
smokeless mosquito coil
with brand
name "Good Knight"! Hoax it is! Such ads featuring punches taking us
to the world of fantasy ; stealthy planting the image in our
mind to go for it. Marketing professionalsand Ad agencies take these advantage.
No where in civilized world such 'Hoax' ads are permitted; at least there
laws to limit. But 'Freedom of expression' offers freedom to our Ad makers
showing cats as tigers.
However, about that smokeless mosquito coils; sold under brand name of Good Knight is nothing special except it emits less smoke and repels lesser mosquitoes. But no doubt; the ad is enjoyable!
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