Shopping at Malls or succumbing to loots!

Shopping has been everyday experience with most of us. In metros like Mumbai, Kolkata or Delhi, Bangalore; every neighbourhood has its own set of groceries, clothing stores or any other shops you name. Even in smaller towns there are markets with shops of all varieties. In these shops, you can bargain and buy what you really want to. They never solicit any product that you don't need to or think worth of buying. We have been so used to them; we never thought there can be anything better.  Really not, there is nothing better.

Malls; every alternative days you find their ads in your news papers. They boastfully advertise selling their stuffs be it groceries, clothing's or furniture at a cheaper price but the fact remains far from realities. What they sell cheap; mind you either they don't sell or they are approaching shortly their expiry dates. Some think that their qualities must have been compromised! Some of earlier articles stand by them,

well, no doubt Malls offer an ambiance of so called West; dust free, noise free with soft music shopping experience; where you buy everything on MRP ( maximum retail prices!); some with farcical offers like 'Buy one;get one Free!', But practically you are paying more or much more. Keep apart of your conveyance expenses; that adds more to your expenditure. Many beeline there because it's now a status symbol; shopping from Malls. Mind you you remain the loser!


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

At last I could talk to my Father !!

Shopping Malls; new destination of middle-class