Credit cards of several banks are now available in market. I remember in mid 90s when it first hit the market; it was status symbol. In every office young representatives of prestigious foreign banks were approaching prospective consumers. We, the ordinary mortals; were hesitant to go for it. What they are asking for; just our salary statement. But their eligibility criteria appeared beyond our reach. However; after two or three years of their arrival; I dared applying for one. It was also a foreign bank; the lady representative who accepted my application did not seem to be much enthusiastic . In fact, I was planning for a tour to south India with family. I thought a credit card would provide me extra security while away from home in case of emergency. But to my utter dismay; just before few days of my journey, I received a letter from that bank, apologizing (!) for their inability to offer me credit card. I understood it was my meager salary that did not merit the privile...